Metal Roofing Pros Central Michigan

5 Common Winter Weather Roof Problems in Kalamazoo

As vicious snowstorms batter our homes, icy drafts slip through gaps and cracks into our interiors making it a tad chilly inside. How can residents sustain the winter season and remain comfortable and cozy? It is essential to have a plan in place. For starters. look out for telltale signs such as drafts, unusually high heating bills, or ice buildup on roofs. Checking for these signs regularly can help preempt potential issues and ensure a well-protected home throughout the cold season. Here are five tips for keeping your home safe as the winter progresses.

Ice Dams 

Ice dams pose a common winter challenge in Kalamazoo. They develop when snow on the roof melts, often due to heat escaping from the interior, and then refreezes near the eaves, creating a barrier that obstructs the drainage of melting snow from the roof. This trapped water has the potential to infiltrate beneath shingles, leading to leaks and possible damage to the interior of your home.

To prevent the formation of ice dams, it is crucial to ensure that your attic has proper insulation and ventilation, which helps maintain a consistently cold roof. Additionally, sealing any gaps or air leaks in the attic can reduce heat loss. If you already have ice dams, it is advisable to consult a professional roofing company, such as Metal Roofing Pros, who can safely remove the ice and address any resultant damage.

winter roof problems, winter roof damage, winter storm damage, Kalamazoo

Roof Snow Accumulation

Excessive snow on your roof can lead to structural damage, and potential leaks, as it adds weight to the home. To prevent this, remember to remove the excess snow from your roof. This can be done using a roof rake, a long-handled tool designed for this purpose. Carefully and gently pull the snow off the roof while standing on the ground to avoid potential injury. Be cautious not to damage the roof’s surface in the process. It’s also a good idea to clear snow away from the eaves and gutters to prevent the formation of ice dams. 


These lovely displays of ice are a common site in wintery scenes. However, they can cause damage under the surface. These formations can grow large and heavy, posing a hazard to people and property below if they break loose and fall. Poor insulation and ventilation in the attic can allow warm air to escape and melt snow on the roof. Properly insulating and ventilating your attic can help maintain a more consistent temperature. If icicles have already formed, it’s advisable to remove them carefully by using a roof rake, and standing clear.

winter roof problems, winter roof damage, winter storm damage, Kalamazoo

Gutter Clogs and Damage

Fallen leaves, twigs, and debris tend to accumulate in gutters during fall, leading to clogs. In winter, frozen debris exacerbates the problem, causing gutters to sag or detach, leading to water overflow and potential roof damage. Small animals,  like mice and squirrels, love to use gutters as a home. The curve of the gutter creates a nice bedding area and home for a future critter family. It is best to keep the gutters clean so melting water can freely flow away from the home. If need be, inquire about gutter guards to assist in keeping the gutters working at their peak.

Roof Leaks

The combination of ice dams, snow accumulation, and the freeze-thaw cycle can easily create a roof leak. It’s crucial to address the root causes and fix them quickly. Regular roof inspection and maintenance are also essential. If you detect a roof leak, seek advice and professional help from Metal Roofing Pros. 

Winter can be a lovely time of year to explore Kalamazoo and take in the beauty of the season and the city. Make sure your home is prepared against the cold, snow, and ice to ensure a comfortable abode after a day of adventures. If you need assistance with your roof during the winter season, or have questions regarding the integrity of your roof, do not hesitate to contact Metal Roofing Pros for professional guidance. 

We look forward to helping you! 

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